COVID-19 – Data request – URGENT
With recent developments in global outbreak of COVID-19, 'countries around the world are adopting sweeping measures to stem the spread of this virus, including shutting down airports, imposing travel restrictions and completely sealing their borders. With these precautionary measures, tourism sector is currently one of the hardest-hit by the outbreak of COVID-19.
As such, the government of Maldives is taking all necessary steps to manage the situation and avoid any negative impacts. Hence, we urgently require the following information.
- Total number of tourists in the facility and their nationalities
- Date on which the last tourist in the facility checked -out or will be checking out as per the current in-house guest data.
- If your facility is to be temporarily shutting down due to this crisis, date of closure
Please provide the above information to this Ministry, by 20:00hrs today (24 March 2020). To submit the information please follow the link below